Istanbul Innovation Days 2018: #NextGenGov
The Istanbul Innovation Days (IID) have become a well-known annual gathering of partners to explore and accelerate organizational learning about emerging trends and innovative approaches to development and policy making. For UNDP, IID have emerged as a central R&D mechanism to help rethink and challenge our work continuously and build a new generation of services with and for our partners and clients by incentivizing emerging initiatives and experiments around strategic issues.
This year, the IID features #NextGenGov, focusing on emerging global trends impacting governance mechanisms and approaches and aiming to contextualize their potential implications around the world through collaborative experimentation
In a complex and rapidly changing world, it will not be sufficient to analyse, theorize and subsequently roll out traditional answers to the fundamental challenges we face. We see the emergence of new threats as well as opportunities for the futures of human rights, responsive institutions, civic activism & participation, and conflict resolution. At the point of intersection among these individual policy streams the IID will present a series of experiments, both challenging and acting as a provocation and to explore the key fundamental question: How can we take ahuman-centered approach to developing and deploying 21st century technology and innovation to unlock more just, sustainable, inclusive and peaceful societies?
At IID, organised this year in partnership with Dark Matter Laboratories of London,we will bring together internal and external partners to showcase methodologies and practical examples of innovative governance and peacebuilding practices in different countries and settings. Our aim is to facilitate wider discussions and create spaces for experimentation complementary to our existing practices with a greater focus on innovation in governance and peacebuilding.
For more information on the frame of IID, see the UNDP / Dark Matter blog “#NextGenGov (the Big Boring Bureaucratic Revolution)”
27-28-29 November 2018
All sessions are in English language
Overall moderation by:
Isabelle Tschan, Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster Leader, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and
Milica Begovic, Team Leader, Knowledge and Innovation, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub
You can watch the video of the relevant session by clicking the [icon name=”video”] icon.
Nov, 2018
08:00 – 09:00 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Kick-off and Opening
09:30 – 10:15 |
10:15 – 10:30 |
Break |
10:30 – 11:00 |
IID Process, expectations and introduction to 6 Zones of Experiments (ZoXs)
11:00 – 14:00 |
![]() SESSION 1 ZOXThe commons [icon name=”video”]Introduction: Michel Bauwens, Founder and Vision Coordinator, P2P Foundation [icon name=”video”] Host: Marco Poletto, Co-Founder / Director, EcoLogic Ex1: Gregory Landua, CEO, [icon name=”video”] & Daniel Swid, Regen Network [icon name=”video”] Violence, conflict, social cohesion[icon name=”video”] [icon name=”video”]Host: Jonathan Cohen, Executive Director, Conciliation Resources Frame: Emergence of new types violence (molecular/neurological and impact identity formation and polarization). ‘State’ legitimizes its push to be all present and all seeing, a panoptic being. In light of increasing trans-nationalization of the effects of conflict, how do we predict, prevent and respond to violence? Ex1: Bob Trafford, Researcher, Forensic Architecture [icon name=”video”] |
14:00 – 15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 – 15:15 |
Quick reflection of first two ZoX and intro to the next two ZoX |
15:15 – 18:00 |
![]() SESSION 2 ZOXEconomic science fictionHost: Edgeryders Research Network Featuring a panel discussion between Malka Older, Writer [icon name=”video”]; Raffaele Miniaci, Economist [icon name=”video”]; and Alberto Cottica, Research Director, Edgeryders and immersive experiments with Anique Vered, Head of Development: Edgeryders Research Network & Alex Levene, Associate Producer: Edge Arts & Culture, Edgeryders. [icon name=”video”] Frame: Does ‘science fiction’ writing point to alternative ways of organizing resources and building new, just economic systems? What can we learn from speculative fiction about potential future economics? The session provides a platform and fertile environment for the exploration of the economic ideas in science fiction. We explore the pairing between science fiction speculation and economic theory. What is already happening? What can be seen in the data? How does engaging this lens open up innovative ways of implementing new economic and development strategies? [icon name=”video”]
Migrant nations [icon name=”video”]Host: Simon Zadek, Principal, Project Catalyst [icon name=”video”] Ex1: Vasja Bočko, CEO & Co-founder, IRYO [icon name=”video”] |
18:00 – 18:30 |
Plenary – short reflection / participative exercise
18:30 – 20:00 |
Exhibition and Reception: Art and culture: weak signals from the future
Nov, 2018
08:30 – 09:00 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:00 – 10:00 |
Taking stock and navigating the way forward
10:00 – 13:00 |
![]() SESSION 3 ZOXUrban governance [icon name=”video”]Host: Gabriella Gomez-Mont, Director, Mexico City Lab Ex1: Vijay Kandy, Co-founder, Decibel [icon name=”video”] Power & decision-making [icon name=”video”]Host: Anthony Zacharzewski, Founder, The Democratic Society [icon name=”video”] Ex1: Jane Suiter, Co-Principal Investigator, Ireland Citizens’ Assembly [icon name=”video”] |
13:00 – 13:30 |
Plenary – Short Reflection / Participative Exercise
13:30 – 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 – 16:00 |
![]() Addressing tension: Evidence based versus Experimentation-based policy: [icon name=”video”]Frame: A hypothesis is that experimentation-based policy is forward looking and iterative and thus best suited to future challenges and tensions. How do we address the gap between emerging practice and solutions “from the bottom-up”; and the realities of current decision-making paradigms in public sector? Moderator: Gerd Trogemann, Manager, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub Panelists:
16:00 – 16:15 |
Break |
16:15 – 17:45 |
Reflections on the future of Governance and Peacebuilding [icon name=”video”]Frame: During the course of IID, participants will have engaged with a series of innovation experiments and explored experimentation vs evidence-based policy. The Reflection Panel invites selected practitioners spanning the core areas of governance peacebuilding through their work, to share their reflections on innovation and new technologies and implications for the future of governance and peacebuilding in the digital age in their respective areas of practice. Moderator: Sarah Lister, Director, Oslo Governance Centre Speakers:
17:45 – 17:55 |
Reflection on IID by Dark Matter Labs |
17:55 – 18:15 |
Nov, 2018
Design Lab #NextGenGov (Internal UNDP Event) |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:30 – 09:50 |
Welcome and Introduction – Scene setting and expectationsFrame: Day 3 of IID will be dedicated to reflections and discussions to design UNDP’s #NextGenGov Agenda.
09:50 – 11:15 |
Reflections on Istanbul Innovation Days – Key takeaways and new approaches to strengthening Agenda 2030Frame: During the first 2 days of IID, the participants will have engaged with a series of experiments, explored experimentation vs evidence-based policy and heard from leading policy makers of their reflections on innovation and new technologies for the future of governance and peacebuilding. How can this be translated into UNDP’s policy and programmatic engagement on governance and peacebuilding? Facilitator: Robert Bernardo, Policy Specialist, Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening Panelists:
11:15 – 11:30 |
Break |
11:30 – 13:00 |
Identifying opportunities for advancing #NextGenGov AgendaFrame: How can we capitalise on opportunities to integrate the #NextGenGov Agenda in new Global Policy Network, whilst responding effectively to realities on the ground. Moderator: Ozonnia Ojielo, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Kyrgyz Republic Panelists:
13:00 – 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 – 16:00 |
What is the #NextGenGov Agenda to advance SDG 16 and Sustainable DevelopmentSetting the scene: Isabelle Tschan and Milica Begovic, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub Frame: Practical hands-on session where small groups work together to produce strategic portfolio of demand-driven solutions/experiments that are based on key takeaways from IID, whilst reflecting on the internal and external contexts. Regional groups:
16:00 – 16:30 |
The way forward and closing remarksFrame: Presentation of results from previous session followed by reflections.
Below photos are in alphabetical order by last names of speakers

Mirjana Spoljaric Egger
UN Assistant Secretary-General and Regional Director of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

Pia Andrews
Executive director, Digital Government, Policy Innovation, Department of Finance, Service and Innovation, Government of New South Wales, Australia

Primavera De Filippi
Researcher at CERSA/CNRS, Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University

Leif Kalev
Professor of State and Citizenship Theory, Politics, Governance and International Studies School of Governance, Law and Society, Tallinn University

Patrick Keuleers
Director of UNDP’s Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support in New York

Isabelle Tschan
Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster Leader, Regional Human Rights and Rule of Law Specialist, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub

Svetlana Zhakupova
Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan